The name of the corporation is and shall be: The Utilities Board of the City of Tuskegee
The location of the principal office of the corporation shall be in the City of Tuskegee, in Macon County, in the State of Alabama, and the post office address of the corporation shall be Tuskegee, Alabama
The period of the duration of the corporation shall be perpetual, unless sooner terminated as provided by law
The objects for which the corporation is formed are (a) to acquire, operate, maintain, improve and extend a water works plant and system and any part or parts thereof in the City of Tuskegee, Alabama, and the territory surrounding said City, (b) to acquire, operate, maintain, improve, and extend a sanitary sewage system in the City of Tuskegee and the territory surrounding said City, including main, laterals, sewage disposal plants or sewage treatment plants, and (c) to acquire, operate, maintain, improve, and extend an electric system in the City of Tuskegee, and in the territory surrounding said City, together with all appurtenances to such water, sewage, and electric systems and all property used or useful in connection therewith, including franchises.
In furtherance of said objects, the corporation shall have all powers conferred upon corporations of like nature by Act No. 175, General Laws of Alabama, approved June 29, 1951 (General Acts of 1951, pp. 416 et seq.), as amended, and all other powers conferred upon corporations generally by the laws of the State of Alabama.